Branding — A dreamy place where alcohol meets your favourite fruits.   

Mobile Game Design and Development for Turkcell Superonlime

We created a mobile game for Turkcell Superonline which users can travel through 3D cities, meet new people, chat and earn points which they can spend with their favorite brands.


            80 Günde Devr-i Alem  We started project with 3D design of 16 cities that users digitally travel. We chose landmarks of every cities and created 3d models of them. Our Copywriters worked on the flow of the game story and UX/UI team worked on playability for each size mobile screens.

The mobile game was developed with UNITY technology for 3D features and .NET technology for the service and loyalty points management.

The project was on air in 2015 and was live till the end of 2016.


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